Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Rumah Baru

Halo semua,

Sudah hampir 6 bulan saya ga nulis-nulis lagi di sini. Saya masih tetep blogging juga, tetapi karena satu dan lain hal saya memutuskan untuk pindah "rumah" tulis menulis saya ke wordpress, alamatnya yaitu arumadin.wordpress.com 

Awalnya saya agak susah buat ninggalin/pindah dari blog ini, secara ya blog ini udah nemenin dari Juni 2008 sampe 2015 (baca: dari jaman SMP kelas 8 sampe kuliah tingkat 3) oh no, jadi pengen heboh sendiri tau umur blog ini udah selama itu...... Blog ini berkesan buat saya karena isinya memori-memori yang sengaja ingin disimpan (saya nulis juga di diary, tapi beberapa tahun ditulis terus baca lagi, terus merasa itu ga banget jadinya saya buang bukunya hahaha) 

Yang bikin saya lebih senang lagi dengan blog ini yaitu kalau ada orang yang merasa senang juga baca blog saya (padahal isinya ga jelas ya). Terus juga karena banyak teman-teman yang pakai blogger juga, jadi saya lebih gampang tau latest update-nya hehe. Momen-momen menyenangkan itu lah yang ga bisa keulang lagi... Tapi saya harap semoga di blog yang baru, pembaca juga tetap senang membaca tulisan saya hehe :D

Rencananya blog ini ga akan saya tutup (dan semoga blog ini baik-baik saja), tapi saya tetap merasa perlu buat mindahin tulisan-tulisan di sini, mungkin ke blog di wordpress atau nanti ke domain saya sendiri :p

Terima kasih untuk blog ini yang telah menjadi rumah yang nyaman bagi tulisan-tulisan saya dan terima kasih terutama untuk para pembaca dan kawan-kawan blogger yang pernah berkunjung untuk membaca tulisan saya yang yah seperti ini lah.. Jangan lupa untuk main ke rumah baru saya di arumadin.wordpress.com :)) 

Semoga tulisan di blog ini masih bisa memberi manfaat untuk para pembaca dan semoga di rumah baru (untuk tulisan-tulisan saya) bisa memberi lebih banyak kebahagiaan dan manfaat baik untuk saya pribadi maupun untuk para pembaca. Terima kasih :))

Here's peony for you all~
sumber gambar: http://www.bridgewatergardens.com/Light_Medium_PInk_Peonies_Vase.JPG

Wednesday, September 9, 2015


“What one thing should I focus on that would help me grow my career?”To which I usually answer — “just keep making stuff.
Which usually begs the follow up question — “okay, but make what, and how?”
From those three articles, i think the big picture is about grow.
Industrial designer became Apple's greatest product, so, the object being processed was the human, right?
Become a google designer by working in office/studio that let you/nurture you to grow
Keep making stuff to grow...


How great do you wanna be?

Friday, July 10, 2015

Makan di Bamboo Dimsum

Makan dimsum kaya triplets. Yang dimakan lebih banyak daripada ini sih.

Setelah minggu lalu kepingin dimsum tapi belum kesampaian akhirnya kemarin saya jadi makan dimsum. Tempat makan dimsum yang dikunjungi adalah Bamboo Dimsum yang lokasinya di Jl. Karangsari Bandung (kalau mau lihat di peta). Sistem disini all you can eat dengan harga Rp53.000/orang. Pelayannya datengin tiap meja sambil bawa dimsum per batch-nya. 

Di sini ada empat batch dimsum: steam, fried, dimsum kuah, dan bakpau. Waktu pelayannya datengin meja sambil nawarin dimsum, kita bisa milih dimsum apa aja yang mau dimakan dan aturan di sini kalau ga habis bakal kena charge Rp10,000/piece. Meskipun dikasih kesempatan milih, tapi akhirnya saya dan teman saya malah nyobain semuanya haha dan alhamdulillah habis. Terus setelah habis 4 batch itu, minta dibawain lagi dimsum-dimsum yang steam karena lebih suka yang steam daripada yang lainnya. Buat minumannya ada free teh panas. Selain teh panas, ada juga bubur yang boleh diambil sesukanya dan gratis, tapi kita ga sempet nyobain sih haha. Kapan-kapan ke sini lagi deh (habisnya ga tau mana lagi tempat di Bandung yang nyediain dimsum yang jenisnya sebanyak ini :3)

Oke, sekian cerita kali ini. 
Terima kasih sudah membaca :D

Bandung, 7 Juli 2015/

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Bandung Events #1: Kampoeng Jazz, Pizza Data, CodeMeetUp()

One of many reasons why I loved Bandung is it has many events, particularly the community based events. From craft classes until IT discussion can be found in this lovely city. Well, i know i am a true introvert and those events are filled with many strangers (at first). Room full of strangers is kind of scary for introvert, you know~ I was afraid in my first time to attends such events. Luckily, i am not alone since i went there with a friend. Though I overcame my fear of coming to those events, i still could not be the person who start the conversation first.
Here are some photos of events i attended this year (until today). Most of them where taken from the events' websites.
Pizza Data
For the article, datanesia's website. There's my face in the photo but i wasn't prepared so, I am not posting the photo here haha.
Here's the 2nd time I came to Pizza Data. It was yesterday and since it's Ramadan fasting month, my team and I used this opportunity for breakfasting together sok-sokan bukber deh. If you asked if there's pizza? the answer is yes and its free and you can have two or more slices (if there're not many people attending hehe) :D
Pizza Data Bandung
Taken from kak Pandu's facebook post
Kampoeng Jazz 2015
next is photo from Kampoeng Jazz 2015 event. I am not a person who would go to concert, but since Ka Eja from Accellera gave the tickets to us (my friends and I), so we went there. Basically, it was not a ticket, but invitation, so, we could enter the venue without queuing. Cool, isn't it? :))
I did not take any photos there, so i just posted the ticket :p
Kampoeng Jazz Invitation

Code? me doing code? haha it's not sound that scary, I don't need to code in this event. This is an event held by ProcodeCG (visit their website here: https://procodecg.wordpress.com). Anyone from any backgrounds who has interest in IT can come to BCCF to hear the sharing & discussion since it's not always technical discussion. I have attended this event twice, the first was "Start Up Pitch Failures" whose speaker is my lecturer, Mr. Budi or Pak BR. The second time, the sharing topic was SEO (Search Engine Optimization).
Here are the photos
Start Up Pitch Failures
Yeah, i was the only girl there.... (source: procodecg.wordpress.com)
CodeMeetUp Bandung
Finally, not the only girl :p (source: procodecg.wordpress.com)
By attending these events, I overcame my fear of coming to events with many strangers hehe. I started to know about other people, what are they doing, how do they could doing their work with much passion. So cool & inspiring!
Ok, that's all for now, see you on the next post! :D  

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Dream Big, Challenge Yourself


Pagi ini ga ada niatan buat nge-blog, tapi berawal dari pikiran-pikiran yang tiba-tiba muncul setelah subuh, lalu saya jadi nulis di jurnal, akhirnya saya jadi ga tidur lagi :") Masih bisa sih tidur jam7-8 sebelum berangkat KP hehe. Meskipun sekarang lagi musim kerja praktek, tapi saya bukan mau cerita tentang itu sih hehe.

Tulisan ini bermula dari pikiran-pikiran yang bermunculan pagi ini (dan dari sebelumnya juga sih, cuma sekarang udah terakumulasi dan jadi kepikiran cukup mendalam)
"Sekarang udah mau tingkat 4, tahun depan lulus (Amiin) terus mau ngapain? Udah punya plan apa?"
Lalu saya nulis-nulis, brainstorming sendiri bikin plan. Bikin pilihan-pilihan dan bikin list plus & minus dari tiap pilihan. Dan memang ya, kalau nulis pakai tangan (bukan ngetik) lebih memicu buat memunculkan kemungkinan-kemungkinan lain. 

Saya bikin plan buat di masa depan, tapi pikiran saya malah terbawa ke waktu yang udah lewat. Terus saya dapat artikel ini waktu lagi browsing

Willing to be scared but not scared off.

Jadi teringat waktu di IC, masa-masa olimpiade. Waktu itu saya punya mimpi biar bisa sampai OSN tingkat nasional, berhubung waktu SMP bisanya sampai tingkat provinsi. Menurut saya harusnya waktu SMA MAN saya bisa lebih baik dari waktu SMP, berarti lebih dari tingkat provinsi dong. Yaudah deh, saya pasang target OSN tingkat nasional. "Sampai nasional aja, ga dapet medali gapapa deh", harapan saya pas itu. Terus beneran ga dapet medali. Coba lebih ambis lagi yaa pas itu harapannya hehe. Meskipun begitu, buat saya waktu itu target buat sampai ke tingkat nasional udah termasuk dream big. Salah satu target besar saya waktu pertama-tama masuk IC.

Buat mencapai target itu, saya harus masuk KBS atau Klub Bidang Studi buat persiapan lomba-lomba. Saya masuk KBS Fisika. Kenapa? Sesederhana karena waktu SMP, bidang saya juga fisika hehe. Pas itu di KBS Fisika, timnya terdiri dari beberapa orang. Cowok semua sih kecuali saya. Pas itu saya udah coba ngajakin temen yang cewe juga, tapi pada ga lanjut. Tapi saya coba buat bertahan dan lihat hasilnya. Kalau katanya Sheryl Sandberg,
"Sit at the table". 
Lagian temen-temen di KBS ya temen seangkatan sendiri, bisa selow tapi tetep agak gimana gitu sih jadi cewe sendiri haha. Kalau saya lemah karena takut jadi cewek sendirian di bidang yang dikuasai oleh para pria, takut dipandang sebelah mata, takut karena saya belajar lebih lambat dari temen-temen di KBS, dsb, saya balikin lagi ke niatan ikut KBS: buat dapetin ilmu yang lebih advanced dari yang di kelas, buat menantang diri sendiri, buat ngebuktiin ke diri sendiri (dan mungkin orang lain). Memang harus maksa diri sendiri sih :))

Masa-masa lomba, saya ga hanya bersaing dengan peserta dari SMA lain, tapi juga sama teman-teman sendiri. Mana temen-temen saya pada jago-jago banget lagi! Tapi akhirnya, -- setelah melalui perjuangan dengan usaha keras, latihan ngerjain soal berjam-jam, dan mengorbankan izin reguler -- waktu itu saya bisa sampai ke OSN tingkat nasional, bidang Fisika. Waktu itu peserta bidang fisika yang cewek cuma ada 11 kalau ga salah dari 120an peserta (atau lebih) yang ada. Mungkin buat beberapa orang, OSN tingkat nasional biasa aja lah ya~ tapi buat saya lebih dari itu sih. Ada hal penting lain selain prestasi atau medali. Ketika sampai di tingkat nasional, saya jadi dapat pengalaman dan pembuktian buat diri sendiri. Pembuktian kalau mimpi itu bisa dikejar, pembuktian kalau ketakutan dalam mencapai mimpi itu memang ada dan bisa ditaklukkan, jangan malah menjauhkan kita dari mimpi, pembuktian akan kerja keras. Dengan punya pengalaman kaya gini juga membantu saya di masa sekarang ketika lagi membangun mimpi. 

What is your big dream?

Mimpi saya? Dari kecil mimpi saya punya satu istilah "Desainer". Dulu suka desain baju & rumah, sekarang tambah ke desain grafis, ke depannya entah apa lagi hehe. Makanya kalau ditanya mau jadi apa, jawabannya mau jadi desainer :) Emang ga nyambung-nyambung amat sih sama fisika, tapi kalau mau disambungin, ada hubungannya: sama-sama menggunakan kemampuan visual. Fisika kan banyak gambarnya. Desain juga harus corat-coret pakai gambar. Waktu itu saya juga pernah coba tes kemampuan saya dan yang ada di atas ternyata kemampuan visual hehe. Pernah juga tes psikologi waktu di IC, tes bakat minat kalau ga salah, terus hasilnya ada bidang Aesthetic atau bidang-bidang yang terkait dengan keindahan di top 3 bakat minat saya. Wah ini sepertinya malah jadi connecting the dots hehe :D

Ok, sudah mau jam 8 dan harus siap-siap KP

Bandung, 1 Juli 2015, pukul 7.48 pagi.

Ga sempat tidur lagi habis subuh karena ngeblog aja ternyata makan waktu sampai satu jam 

Friday, June 19, 2015

INTJ: Career

Postingan ini bakal cukup panjang dan tujuannya buat pengingat ke diri sendiri. Bagi yang berminat baca lebih banyak, bisa kunjungi sumber tulisan: www.16personalities.com . Selamat membaca :)

Professional competence is often the area in which INTJs shine most brilliantly. Their capacity for digesting difficult and complex theories and principles and converting them into clear and actionable ideas and strategies is unmatched by any other type. INTJs are able to filter out the noise of a situation, identifying the core thread that needs to be pulled in order to unravel others' messes so that they can be rewoven into something at once beautifully intricate and stunningly simple in its function.
The real challenge for INTJs is that in order for their innovative (and to less insightful individuals, seemingly counter-intuitive) ideas to be heard, they need to have a friendly ear to bend, and developing an amiable rapport with authority figures is not exactly in INTJs' list of core strengths. In their early careers, INTJs will often have to suffer through menial tasks and repeated rejections as they develop their abilities into a skillset that speaks for itself.
INTJs will often find ways to automate routine and mind-numbing tasks, and as they progress, their natural confidence, dedication, and creative intelligence will open the doors to the increased complexity and freedom they crave.

Where's My Drawing Board?

INTJs tend to prefer to work alone, or at most in small groups, where they can maximize their creativity and focus without repeated interruptions from questioning colleagues and meetings-happy supervisors. For this reason INTJs are unlikely to be found in strictly administrative roles or anything that requires constant dialogue and heavy teamwork. Rather, INTJs prefer more "lone wolf" positions as mechanical or software engineers, lawyers or freelance consultants, only accepting competent leadership that helps in these goals, and rejecting the authority of those who hold them back.
Their independent attitude and tireless demand for competence mean that INTJs absolutely loathe those who get ahead by seemingly less meritocratic means like social prowess and political connections. INTJs have exceptionally high standards, and if they view a colleague or supervisor as incompetent or ineffective, respect will be lost instantly and permanently. INTJs value personal initiative, determination, insight and dedication, and believe that everyone should complete their work to the highest possible standards – if a schmoozing shill breezes through without carrying their own weight, they may find INTJs' inventiveness and determination used in a whole new capacity as the winds turn against them.

Timid Men Prefer the Calm

As their careers progress further and their reputation grows, so will the complexity of INTJs' tasks and projects. INTJs demand progress and evolution, new challenges and theories, and they often accomplish this by pushing into more active strategic positions. While they don't care for the spotlight, INTJs do enjoy controlling their ideas, and will often expand into low-profile but influential roles as project managers, system engineers, marketing strategists, systems analysts, and military strategists.
But really, INTJs' vision, creativity, and competence in executing their plans make them viable in just about any career that requires them to think about what they're doing. While some careers, such as low-level sales and human resources, clearly do not play to their strengths, INTJs are able to build a niche into just about any institution, including their own, that they put their minds to.


Above all else, INTJs want to be able to tackle intellectually interesting work with minimal outside interference, no more, no less. Time-consuming management techniques like trust-building getaways, progress meetings, and drawn-out, sandwiched criticisms are only going to annoy INTJs – all they need, be they subordinate, colleague, or manager, is to meet their goals with the highest standard of technical excellence and to be surrounded by, if anyone at all, people who share those values.
On paper this makes them appear to be exemplary employees, and in many ways they are, but there are many types, especially those with a combination of the Observant (S) and Feeling (F) traits, who will find a work (or any other) relationship with INTJs extremely challenging. INTJs have a fairly strict code of conduct when it comes to their work, and if they see coworkers valuing social activities and "good enough" workmanship over absolute excellence, it will be a turbulent environment. For this reason, INTJs tend to prefer to work in tight, like-minded groups – a group of one, if necessary.

INTJ Subordinates

INTJs are independent people, and they quickly become frustrated if they find themselves pushed into tightly defined roles that limit their freedom. With the direction of a properly liberal manager, INTJs will establish themselves in a position of expertise, completing their work not with the ambition of managerial promotion, but for its own intrinsic merit. INTJs require and appreciate firm, logical managers who are able to direct efforts with competence, deliver criticism when necessary, and back up those decisions with sound reason.
Note that it is INTJs' expectations of their managers that are being defined here, and not the other way around, as with some other personality types. Titles mean little to INTJs – trust and respect are earned, and INTJs expect this to be a two way street, receiving and delivering advice, criticisms and results. INTJs expect their managers to be intelligent enough and strong enough to be able to handle this paradigm. A silent INTJ conveys a lack of respect better than all their challenges ever will.

INTJ Colleagues

Active teamwork is not ideal for people with the INTJ personality type. Fiercely independent and private, INTJs use their nimble minds and insight to deflect personal talk, avoid workplace tension, and create situations where they aren't slowed down by those less intelligent, less capable, or less adaptable to more efficient methods. Instead, they will likely poke fun by forcing them to read between the lines and making them deal alone with work that could have been easier if they'd only taken INTJs' suggestions.
INTJs are brilliant analysts, and will likely gather a small handful of trusted colleagues to involve in their brainstorming sessions, excluding those who get too hung up on details, or who otherwise have yet to earn their respect. But more likely, INTJs will simply take the initiative alone – INTJs love embracing challenges and their consequent responsibilities, and their perfectionism and determination usually mean that the work comes out clean and effective, affording INTJs the twin joys of solitude and victory.

INTJ Managers

Though they may be surprised to hear it, INTJs make natural leaders, and this shows in their management style. INTJs value innovation and effectiveness more than just about any other quality, and they will gladly cast aside hierarchy, protocol and even their own beliefs if they are presented with rational arguments about why things should change. INTJs promote freedom and flexibility in the workplace, preferring to engage their subordinates as equals, respecting and rewarding initiative and adopting an attitude of "to the best mind go the responsibilities", directing strategy while more capable hands manage the day-to-day tactics.
But this sort of freedom isn't just granted, it's required – those who are accustomed to just being told what to do, who are unable to direct themselves and challenge existing notions, will have a hard time meeting INTJs' extremely high standards. Efficiency and results are king to INTJs, and behaviors that undermine these conditions are quashed mercilessly. If subordinates try to compensate for their weakness in these areas by trying to build a social relationship with their INTJ managers, on their heads be it – office gossip and schmoozing are not the way into INTJs' hearts – only bold competence will do.

Sunday, June 7, 2015

"Ayah" - Andrea Hirata

Malam kemarin, saya dan ibu menonton Mata Najwa, tapi waktu bagian akhir-akhir saya tertidur. Jam 11 malam saya terbangun, masih di depan TV. Ternyata di TV lagi ada acara Just Alvin yang mengundang Andrea Hirata buat ngebahas novelnya yang baru berjudul "Ayah". Ketika saya terbangun itu, ibu saya bilang gini, "Dik, beli novel Andrea Hirata yang itu dik." "Yang mana?", jawab saya masih setengah bangun. "Itu, yang judulnya ayah" "loh itu kan yang ini *sambil nunjukin novel "Ayah" yang lagi saya baca*" "ooh udah beli toh." Jadi, ibu saya ga sadar kalau dari kemarin novel yang saya baca itu novel "Ayah"-nya Andrea Hirata -_-"

Sedikit review untuk novel ini:

AyahAyah by Andrea Hirata
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Buku ini saya beli tanpa direncanakan, tertarik karena judulnya "Ayah" dan akhirnya beli karena penulisnya Andrea Hirata. Belum banyak novel yang bertema ayah dan menurut saya, buku ini merupakan salah satu buku yang bercerita tentang ayah dengan sangat baik. Ceritanya bagus, tidak membosankan (mungkin karena tiap bab tidak lebih dari 10 halaman), dan di dalamnya banyak puisi yang indah-indah. Saya paling suka cerita tentang keluarga awan-angin-matahari-bulan. Pilihan kata yang dipakai juga membuat novel ini semakin menyenangkan untuk dibaca. Secara keseluruhan, buku ini worth it untuk dibaca berbagai kalangan :)

View all my reviews